Design a garage in a matter of minutes, online, ready for permit submission. Using a series of selection fields and drop down boxes, every aspect of a single storey garage can be designed. Change the overall size, wall make-up, roof assembly, and add doors and windows on any wall to suit your needs. A complete set of architectural working drawings will be included. The IBD software automatically calculates the minimum setbacks from property lines according to the Building Code for each wall. The drawings include an Engineer's seal (Ontario) and our BCIN Certification.
Our goal was to make purchasing a rectangular or square engineered slab seamless: allow the user to select the slab size, choose an edge detail in a matter of seconds, online, and download plans in PDF format ready for immediate permit submission With a series of selection fields and drop down boxes every aspect of an engineered slab can be designed, Change the over all size, and filter between the proposed use, number of stories, light or heavy duty, unheated or heated, non-frost susceptible or frost susceptible soil, and curb height. A complete set of structural working drawings will be included.
Design a deck in minutes, online & ready for immediate permit submission. Change the overall size and the program automatically designs the piers, beams and joists to the minimum sizes. Calculates standard building code ledger connectors with their minimum spacing. Add stairs and choose between building code guards, engineered metal guards or pre-engineered wood with glass guard. A complete set of architectural/structural working drawings will be included. Drawings include an Engineer's seal (Ontario) and BCIN certificate. A complete material quantity estimate is included.
You now have the tool to easily design a beam/lintel within minutes. Eleven beam types may be designed including a ridge beam, floor beams, or lintels. Select spans and dimensions based upon your selected beam/lintel. You can design a beam/lintel using Nominal Lumber, Engineered Lumber, Timber, or Steel with up to three point loads. See percentage of bending, shear deflection and minimum bearing. Comes with a report including plan, section and details complete with a professional Engineer's seal (Ontario).
Easily design concrete pad sizes and steel column types. Select all your construction types for automatic dead load calculation and column height. Calculate your tributary areas for floor, roof and wall as required as well as beam weight and any additional loading. Let the software create a PDF Column Load Table which you can copy and optionally paste into your drawing.
Finally a tool for Deck Designers! Design concrete foundation piers with footings for decks and buildings up to 3 storeys effortlessly. Use the built-in soil bearing capacity table & tributary floor & roof area calculator. Choose between many different combinations of common piers like 'Big Foot', 'Footing Tube' and 'Sono Tube'. Our PDF report can be easily generated and is ready for immediate download.
The ease of calculating the minimum separation of a building and to a property line has never been so easy. Using Interpolated Results the exact area and distance can be calculated for unprotected openings. Simply select Occupancy group, Building Face Area, and the Proposed Unprotected Opening Area. Type in a distance from plan or the min. calculated distance and that's it. The maximum unprotected area permitted, the minimum limiting distance and the fire resistance requirements for the building wall construction is calculated.
Easily check building code tables with a series of selection fields and drop down boxes, Check maximum spans for Joist tables A-1 to A-7, Built-up Beam Tables A-8 to A-12, Lintel Tables A-13 to A-16, Steel Beams supporting Roofs Tables A-20 to A-29, Steel Beams Supporting Floors Table