The Max. Supported Area shown to you in the Foundation menu is an estimate of the maximum deck area which a selected pier can support.
This area is calculated with the maximum bearing pressure of the soil (which can be changed in the Edit Components tab, under the General Options menu)
and the base area of your selected pier so that the pressure which the pier places on the soil does not exceed the soil bearing pressure.
Changing the soil type to something other than Firm Clay (75 kPa, 1570 psf), may result in requiring an engineer to do a soil review of the build site.
Since the base of the pier spreads the loading out over the soil, the larger the load is on a pier, the larger the pier's base area must be
to keep the same pressure on the soil below. Some factors such as the weight of beams you choose to use and additional loading due to objects
such as stairs have not been included in this estimate for the Max. Supported Area. Therefore, this estimate is meant to be a guide and the
actual deck area which your chosen pier can support may be slightly lower than what has been estimated. Due to this, and the desire to space piers
as evenly as possible throughout the deck, you may see Deck Designer place more piers than initially expected.