C171: and (3)
Where an addition to an existing residential building has its exposing
building face with a larger limiting distance than the existing building face and is greater than
1200mm, the total area of allowable uprotected
openings may be determined under Sentence or for the combined proposed and
existing exposing building faces and,
(a) where the exposing building face has no unprotected
openings, or the existing unprotected openings
are to be filled in, the total allowable area of unprotected openings may be installed in the new
exposing building face, or
(b) where the existing unprotected are to remain,
(i) their area
shall be deducted from the total allowable area
of unprotected openings, and the balance may be installed in the new exposing building face, and
Sentences and or Sentences and apply only to the
new exposing building face.
Existing Windows.
(a) Existing windows in walls may be relocated to another part
of the wall, provided the existing opening is blocked up to provide the same fire rating for the wall,
and the projection of the new opening,
at a right angle to the property line onto another building, lies no closer than 300mm from a window in
such other building, where the "opposite" window is less than 2400 mm from the opposite new opening, and
(b) except relocation of units,
to be restricted to the same fire compartment and shall conform to the requirements of Article
or where applicable, or
(c) where a building does not satisfy the requirements
of Subsection 3.2.3. for the amount of openings facing
a yard or space that does not have sufficient limiting distance, such existing openings are allowed to
be relocated provided:
(i) such openings are not increased in size and they are protected with wired
glass in steel frames conforming to Sentence, or
(ii) the building is sprinklered
Existing Windows.
(a) Existing windows in walls may be relocated to another
part of the wall, provided the existing opening is blocked up to provide the same fire rating for the
wall, and the projection of the new opening,
at a right angle to the property line onto another building, lies no closer than 300mm from a window in
such other building, where the "opposite" window is less than 2400 mm from the opposite new opening, and
(b) except relocation of units,
to be restricted to the same fire compartment and shall conform to the requirements of Article
or where applicable, or
(c) where a building does not satisfy the requirements of
Subsection 3.2.3. for the amount of openings facing
a yard or space that does not have sufficient limiting distance, such existing openings are allowed to
be relocated provided:
(i) such openings are not increased in size and they are protected with wired
glass in steel frames conforming to Sentence, or
(ii) the building is sprinklered
Existing Windows.
(a) Existing windows in walls may be relocated to another part
of the wall, provided the existing opening is blocked up to provide the same fire rating for the wall,
and the projection of the new opening, at a right angle
to the property line onto another building, lies no closer than 300mm from a window in such other
building, where the "opposite" window is less than 2400 mm from the opposite new opening, and
except relocation of units, to be restricted to the
same fire compartment and shall conform to the requirements of Article or where
applicable, or
(c) where a building does not satisfy the requirements of Subsection 3.2.3. for the
amount of openings facing a yard or space that
does not have sufficient limiting distance, such existing openings are allowed to be relocated provided:
(i) such openings are not increased in size and they are protected with wired glass in steel frames
conforming to Sentence, or
(ii) the building is sprinklered